Monday, February 17, 2020

They Were Ready When the Earthquakes Came

In this age of modernity, given the vast almost unsolvable environmental problems on the planet, the search continues for eco-friendly houses made from eco-friendly material. Well, look no further than the Hakka people in the Fujian province of China for answers that even the Chinese themselves consider a rarity. Some people in ancient times had the knowledge that we don't practice anymore! Tulou are rammed earth structures that for hundreds of years have survived material aging, natural weathering and very importantly strong earthquakes, bearing in mind the Fujian Province of China is an earthquake prone area, this is a smart thing. The structures are reinforced by wooden and bamboo strips. Since the 11th century, Hakka Tulou have gotten cracks from earthquakes but resulted in no structural damage. It has even been reported that some of the cracks self healed. I imagine this self healing is similar to that which happens to small cracks in concrete due to the presence of lime.

The Hakka people lived in aclass-free, egalitarian community based on mutual respect, in a harmonious relationship with the environment and their homes are an outstanding example of human settlement. These dwellings have such outstanding universal value; many are listed as UNESCO heritagesites. Their buildings are mainly circular with some square shapes. The design may be a reflection of their wish for family unity based in the I Ching, the Chinese system of divination. The Tulou are called China’s forgotten coliseums. A Tulou structure may be up to 5 stories high and capable of housing up to 800 people.

Nowadays, the Tulou lifestyle is under threat as young people move to the cities. Remaining people rely on tourism rather thanfarming. What a loss! Imagine falling asleep in a room of thick  earthen walls while listening to the sounds of a trickling stream nearby in a safe and secure environment. That’s a few lifetimes of serenity rolled into one. Those walls were a good source of defense from animals, invaders and earthquakes, but hmm, would they survive a drone attack today.....humanity is forever at a crossroads!

Video from You Tube, reflects sadness at the changes taking place. 

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